"Angle Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying the wish for family...
"Arabesque Petten 3mm Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying the wish...
"Dragon Twins Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying the wish for...
"Honeysuckle Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying the wish for family...
"Long Life ang Happiness 3mm Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying...
"Plain Silver 3mm Silver Ring" by Artist Kim Seung-hee The ring is a traditional Korean ornament. A pair of circles symbolizes the harmony of yin and yang, embodying the wish...